Channello, fellow handbag lovers! The September 30th Gallery Auction is rapidly approaching and it is packed to the gills with Chanel. Why is this so exciting? Well, first, nobody does a quilted handbag like Chanel. And secondly, buying a Chanel handbag retail can be a tricky task.
Chanel is one of the last remaining designers that requires handbag purchases to be made in store. Photos of the handbags from each seasons collections are posted to an online catalog, but a trip to the boutique must be in the cards to snag one of these highly coveted bags. As fabulous as spending an afternoon in Chanel can be, it's just not possible for some customers who may be in the market for a bag.
At Alex Cooper, we've made the buying process easy. All handbags and accessories are posted to two weeks before the day of the live auction. Come in to the Gallery to see the items or set up a virtual preview appointment with the Directors of the division, Abigail Goodman and Brooke Friedman, to see the full collection or any handbags and accessories you may be interested in.
Chanel is the epitome of designer French fashion, but with that comes a hefty price tag (one which increased 15% last year alone on many of the most popular styles). Although exclusivity has its place, here at Alex Cooper the only way prices increase is with bidding. The bidding estimate is suggested in the listing and you can even set a maximum bid and let our system bid on your behalf.
Alex Cooper has over 40 handbags in the September 30th Gallery Auction, many of which bear the French fashion house's name. The handbags included in the collection span multiple years and seasons, which is truly a treasure trove for a vintage Chanel lover. Many Chanel bags are seasonal, so once they are sold out, they do not go into production again.
To take a look at the beautifully curated luxury handbag and accessory collection, please visit If you would like to visit the auction house gallery, preview is open to the public Tuesday, September 28th and Wednesday, September 29th, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Lastly, feel free to schedule a virtual appointment with Abigail Goodman at or Brooke Friedman at
Angela Donati-Miller Director of Handbags & Accessories and Senior Coordinator